Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August Readings

I have been able to read a lot in August. No wonder I am in such a good mood. This much reading is a rarity, and has been a lot of fun.

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Confessions of a Reformission Rev.: Hard Lessons from an Emerging Missional Church (The Leadership Network Innovation) (Paperback) by Mark Driscoll

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Dear Church: Letters from a Disillusioned Generation (Paperback) by Sarah Cunningham

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Faith of My Fathers: Conversations with Three Generations of Pastors about Church, Ministry, and Culture (Emergentys) (Paperback) by Chris Seay (Author)

This book is from the xxx church group. A good book that speaks about the addiction that is never talked about. These folks are not just flapping their gums, they are at Porn Conventions making a difference for Christ. Interested yet? Guess what? They even take wives along for accountability. I give this one
* * * * *.

Never stick your tongue out at Mama : and other life transforming revelations
Picked this one up at the local library. Should have left it there.

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Sermon Maker, The (Hardcover) by Calvin Miller

Good book about preaching and touching the congregation. Need more preaching books like this. Many sermons are heavy on the Theology and light on the stuff that life is made of. Miller talks about a combination of the two.

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Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith (Cover Image May Vary) by Rob Bell

I like this book, especially the middle section about Grace. It reminded me a lot of the Brennan Manning Classic, The Ragamuffin Gospel. Sometimes Rob Bells choppy writing style is aggravating. I think his NOOMA film stuff is great. Check it out at http://www.nooma.com/

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The Complete Live and Learn and Pass It on: People Ages 5 to 95 Share What They've Discovered About Life, Love, and Other Good Stuff (Hardcover) by H. Jackson Brown

Simple little book that can make you think. Good Bathroom reading---if you are inclined to pondering things while sitting.

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Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections Between Sexuality And Spirituality (Hardcover) by Rob Bell (Author)

I especially enjoyed the beginning and the end of this book. See note on Rob Bell above.

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Career Placement Test--Sermon Recap

In the Fall of 1984, I was sitting in Freshman English in a small classroom in Inman, S.C. Standardized Tests were given out and we answered about 200 questions, in hopes that we would begin thinking about our futures. As a Freshman, I was not thinking a lot about anything, unless it was girls, and that job did not pay too well.

After thinking about the test and carefully answering each question, I turned it in. Mr. Burns, the bearded English prof said, "Thanks, Mr. Jenkins," and off to the computer tabulation center it went.

About 6 weeks later the results came back. What was the proposed course for my future? Well, here goes:

1- Crime Scene Investigator- Now this is before the barrage of TV series about murder and figuring out whodunnit, only Jack Klugman, as Quincy was doing this well at this time. I was encouraged at the prospect of this career. I liked Quincy, he lived on a boat and that helped with the ladies.

2- Writer

3- Teacher

Now I am sure that some of you are surprised that I did not score well in the preaching area. Now that I think about it, you may not be surprised at all. Some of you may be saying, "Ahh, so that explains his problem." I did some research about the CSI work and decided I was not interested in all the Math and chemistry needed to succeed in this field. I have a few friends that are math nerds. I like them, in fact I like them a lot, but my mind just does not work that way.

It is funny though how I have not been able to escape dealing with death and dying. As a minister it happens all the time. People often ask about my congregation and what kind of people I work with. I reply, "From Womb to Tomb." The past three weeks I have dealt heavily in death and it seems to be everywhere I look.

Several weeks ago, I got a call from my uncle concerning the declining health of my Grandmother. I grabbed 5 days worth of clothes, a few books, and my Funeral Garb. You see, I even have special clothes to "Marry 'em or Bury 'em." The Geneva Gown is black with ruffles sleeves and looks very formal and solemn. I though black had a slimming effect, but somehow I think it does not apply with me.

The drive of 4 hours to the upstate of SC is one that I enjoy. Especially when I am alone. My mind takes me many places and often I get lost in the music and memories and wake out of my Daze around Columbia, SC. The car is a place where I clear my mind and has been the birthplace of many sermons. I do not do it much anymore, but I have been known to drive around and get lost and end up in the middle of nowhere. But, I drive still.

On that trip home, I thought a lot about my Grandmothers life. She was married over 50 years to my Pop. (There is a story about him on down in the blog--Check it out) In ways, she never recovered from his death. She lost 2 sons to tragedy and illness, and spent her life in a hard working but simple manner. If anything would make me lose my faith, it would be to lose my son in a tragedy. I guess that is one of those fears of mine that borders on the irrational, but the shroud of death is there. Although she suffered all that loss---she never lost her faith.

A stroke had left her unable to walk and becoming less able to talk and interact. I entered the hospital room and approached the bed. I grasped her hand and moved toward her ear, "How you doing, sweetie?" She was barely able to get out the reply, but it still came, "One Day at a time, Richard, One Day at a Time." The voice of a fellow walker on this road of life spoke from my soul, "Aren't we all, Grandma....Aren't we all." A day later, she stopped eating and drinking.

I spent about 5 days there. What does one do when death is coming? What is there to do beside one who cannot even talk anymore? I told Grandma that she was the best Strawberry Cake maker ever. I touched her face. I dipped a little mouth sponge on a stick into mouthwash to give her a fresh mouth. I helped nurses change a diaper and give a bath and realized that she once gave my Dad a bath and changed diapers too.

Her last remaining son is only 5 years older than me. He was a late gift to them. I have a pic of my Dad in a Graduation gown holding his little brother. Now that is a surprise! He has not had an easy time. Being raised by aging parents, competing with stories and memories of brothers that are dead. Dead people don't make mistakes, and sometimes his were magnified. The past few weeks have brought us closer. I have been able to meet his new wife and share a meal in their home. We were able to pray together and encourage each other and tell a few stories that brought smiles. Even her death has been a source of unity and reconciliation.

Driving to the hospital one morning, a little pup ran full speed out in front of me. I dodged to miss him and He kept running. Where to...? He was running toward a graveyard. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw gray hairs peeking through the red on my goatee.

I drove past a telephone pole that my buddy, Brent Blackwell ran his camaro into in 1986. It was in front of a mortuary. He lived, but the pole was still crooked.

I grabbed a paper and read about death. Local, State, National, and World....death.

We seem so separated from God, we seem so seperated from each other. We seem to be trapped by our fears and problems. What is our Hope? Is there an answer?

Romans 8:38-39
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

One evening, I looked over and my grandmother was playing with her wedding band. I couldn't help thinking that she was thinking about my Pop. I thought about their love and a deeper love as well.

Because she is His Bride--Death has been conquered
Because Death has been conquered-She has no need to fear
Because she has no need to fear--She has peace
Because she has peace-she is longing for him.

Because she longs for Him--He comes to get her
He comes to get her--because she is His bride.

Years ago at the lake, Grandma would call me or Amy and ask us to meet her at the fence. She would make me Strawberry Cake or make Amy a chocolate pie. There were more calls to Amy than me--but who's counting! We would reach over the fence and reach over to get the prize, a gift of her love.

Christ would meet my Grandma on Friday evening. She was wrapped in His righteousness as she entered into heaven. Jesus met her at the gate and ushered her in. He reached across and offered the gift of healing and restoration---and she will never be the same.

No matter what you are struggling with today, Jesus is there to meet you at the Fence and offer what you need. I have a feeling that if he can conquer Sin and Death and Hell...you are a piece of cake. Not strawberry, that is all mine...but you are a piece of cake. Reach out, he is there for you!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Things I think about

If you see a self help book reduced to half price should you buy it?

I saw two Baptist churches side by side the other day. The names were Happy Home Baptist and Christian Fellowship Baptist. I bet they split over the color of carpet.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


This Guy stole my book. Not really, but this is the book that I wanted to write. The sad part for me is that he wrote it better than I would have. The good part is that you can read my book and I can work on my new book. Unless Donald Miller steals it too! So, the question for you is...

"Who wants to borrow my book first?"

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Not sure if an Apology suffices...

Bubble gum with Nazi sticker sold in Israel

Roll Bubble Gum's surprise sticker turns out to be of swastika wearing Nazi officer.
08.14.07, 08:21 /
Israel Jewish Scene

An Israeli woman was astounded to find a tattoo- sticker of a Nazi soldier inside a pack of bubble gum she had bought at her local store, Maariv daily reported recently.
"A surprise awaits you," said the "Roll Bubble Gum" pack, showing a picture of a pink wrapper alongside what it said was the sticker, which showed a Nazi officer in uniform and wearing a swastika armband.
Some suggested that the sticker was of "Red Skull", which is the name of a Marvel Comics villain, who is the enemy of Captain America.
Marvel featured three Red Skull villains in its comics, the first two were Nazi agents and the third a communist.
The newspaper quoted Orna Gutman, 23, as telling its website the pack's label was in Arabic and English and stated the gum was made in China but did not name the importer.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sermon Recap- Holding the Reins

There are many different styles and approaches to preaching. The most popular style is the Expository approach. In this approach the preacher usually preaches through a book of the bible and breaks it down, verse by verse, paying special attention to original languages, word studies, cultural dynamics, and attempting to make the leap from a time long past to our present day situations. I like this approach, especially for churches filled with people that are lacking in basic biblical knowledge. The problem that I have with this kind of preaching is that often it is repetitive. If you have heard one exposition of The Adam and Eve story, then you pretty much have it and know where the preacher is going. There are essentially no surprises.

Another approach is the topical sermon. I am not a big fan of this approach because often it turns into soapbox preaching. Often a preacher will pick a sin to "rail about" for the week and find a lot of "proof texts" to substantiate their views. Popular topical sermons deal with homosexuality, divorce, alcoholism, and abortion. Often these types of sermons neglect the systematic whole of the scriptures and reduce the bible to a book of do's and don'ts.

Some very creative preachers act out the biblical story in a first person account. These ministers are extremely talented and imaginative. This technique is effective if used sparingly. A problem with that approach is that often a lot has to be added to a biblical account to make the presentation flow. This could pose as a danger, but often these dramatic monologues show the emotion of the characters involved and turn the scripture into much more than mere words on a page.

There are other approaches as well. My approach is a hybrid version. I think that is is very important to listen to what God is saying in your life. Often we walk around, paying little or no attention to the quiet voice of God. We need to notice the gentle pushes and amazing things that happen in our lives. My goal is to tell my stories and encourage you to tell your story. These touches of God, these Holy experiences, in light of the total scripture are often the things that let us know that we are not alone.

Six weeks ago, I went to the urologist. Sarah and I both have control issues.(Laughter) Now before you laugh too much, I know that some of you do too. We are all compelled to control and often times we are so good at it that we are blind to it and others are as well. So, I made an appointment for a surgical procedure, and gave my fine, caring doctor a one week window to work with. He gave me a date for the procedure, and I gave him money. I lined up someone to preach for me, and Sarah contacted her parent to keep Douglas. Everything was great until two days before the surgery...the receptionist called. "Mr. Jenkins, I know that you were scheduled for surgery on Thursday, but the Dr. will not be in that day. We need to reschedule you for the next week. Tuesday will be your day."

Let me tell you all, sometimes it is hard to be a Christian. Guess what, sometimes it is hard to be a Chaplain too. Many things flashed through my mind to say, and none of them were biblical. I had made all these plans, and I had secured a preacher, and I had planned to Go to my Moms the next week and I had already decided what I was going to read in the bed after my procedure and I...well you get the picture.

I was riding the horse named Life and I was holding the reins tight. I expected my life to go in accordance to my will and the way I yanked those reins. Guess what? God taught me a valuable lesson. He kinda sounded like Kenny Rogers, "You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.

The plans changed and I went to visit the family a week early. I had the best time with them that I have had in years. It was laid back and non stressful. I was only there a brief time but was able to have good conversations with several family members and we just loved being together. It was time to let go of those reins that I HELD SO TIGHT. It is funny how God knows us better than we know ourselves.

On the way home last Sunday, I stopped at my usual pit stop area off Clemson Rd in the heart of Columbia. I grabbed my coffee and got ready to pay. I was in such a good mood and so thankful for what God had done that I told the cashier that I would pay for the paper that the lady behind me had in her hand. The lady asked, "Well, do you want the sports section or something?" "It is just for you, and remember God loves you." Now I do not normally do that kind of stuff. In fact, I am not sure why I did it then. I got back in the van and headed up the road.

Sarah called and told me that worship went well. Before I could tell my story, she told me this:

"Richard, we were in Plantation Pancake house about 5 minutes ago and Billy Ray(one of our regular folks) came by and paid for my breakfast. Oh, he paid for Peter and Deena's too. (They had helped with services in my absence.) Isn't that something?"

Now at the same time that I bought a paper my family was being provided for. Now I am not one of those TV preachers that treat God like a cosmic ATM. But it is funny how those tokens of Good will come flying back at us.

So in the instance, God spoke to me reminding my that I can pick up the reins of my life and make a difference in the lives of others. our lives are here to give away...not orchestrate. Our friends and family and neighbors are gifts, not to control...but to cherish.

I shared 2 other stories, but will not type those.

Scriptural emphasis was---

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all Thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. PROVERBS 3:5

I used this text within the past 3 months---but evidently God planned for a revisitation!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Follies of a Foley

The catheter was removed today. I am gradually getting more comfortable (odd word choice) with the process. Our bodies are all "fearfully and wonderfully made," at least that is the way the KJV puts it, and mine is closer to the fearful than the wonderful. Of all the places in the world to have scar tissue build-up, I happen to have it in my urinary tract. So, I ask the urologist what causes such a thing, and he gave me several possibilities:
1-Rough Sex--For some reason, this is not the one I am leaning toward. Surely he was being a funny Urologist!
2-STD--Squeaky Clean here!
3-Trauma due to sports injury--Now were on to something!
4-Born that way--Maybe, but why would it first manifest itself at the age of 33?
So, I am leaning toward my days of umpiring baseball and the wildness of pitches coming from the arms of 12 year olds.
The bad news is that this procedure is repeated usually once a year.
This is the fourth time that this procedure had been performed.
The first time, the catheter was TOO WIDE. Very painful. Removal of the too wide catheter was even more painful.
Second time--Catheter was too small. Passed blood clots for three days. Removal was easy.
Third Time--Just like the three bears, "Just Right." I moved around a good bit and bled a fair amount. Removal was a cinch.
Fourth Time-No moving around, perfect fit, minimal bleeding. Had a scare this morning though. When the nurse attempted to drain the water out of the balloon that holds the catheter in the bladder, the water did not come out as it normally does. Usually it is a pull of the plunger and the bulb deflates and "out comes the catheter." Today a few drops would come out and then she would start over and then a few drops more. Viewing this from above, I had way too much time to think. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, as I envisioned the outcome of a partially deflated balloon being pulled through the place where a partially deflated balloon should not come. I took a deep breath, the nurse made a deep pull, and no reconstructive surgery was needed. All is Well!!
Although she made numerous threats to yank my catheter while I was down, Sarah was a very good nurse.
So, gentlemen..."Be nice to the wife, you never know when you may be in a situation where she has the upper hand. Oh, never mind, they always have the upper hand."

Monday, August 06, 2007

Skipping Church

No church for me this week. I took a quick trip to Lyman, S.C. to visit family. Douglas and I had a great time and Sarah enjoyed being alone for a bit. I had originally planned to take the trip this week, but my surgery date was changed. I had already secured a guest speaker, my good friend Peter Copeland.

During the worship hour I was in the middle of my drive home. I loved being able to listen to my music very loudly. The IPod holds 5000 songs. I think that it has 1200 that Sarah likes and I hate. There is also 1600 super high quality songs that I appreciate and that she despises. The remaining 200 songs we agree on. So, I put on the stuff that I liked and in the 4 hour drive I went through about 100 songs or so. These were the favorites of the trip.

Eleanor Rigby-Beatles
Lady Madonna-Beatles
Red House-Jimi Hendrix
Hey Joe-Jimi Hendrix
Brand New Day-Sting
Mysterious Ways-U2
Hallelujah, I love her so-Ray Charles
Taking It to the Streets-The Doobie Brothers
You shook me all night long-AC/DC
I'm on Fire-Bruce Springstein
There will come a Day-Faith Hill
Not enough love in the World-Don Henley
Boys of Summer-Don Henley
Sunset Grille-Don Henley

So, I missed church and listened to AC/DC and the Doobies. Instead of the lyrics to "You Shook me all night long", I want to share the words of Rich Mullins, one of my favorite lyricists. Enjoy, and feel free to share how much you like or dislike my music. Sarah always does.

Well, I am a good Midwestern boy
I give an honest day's work if I can get it
I don't cheat on my taxes,
I don't cheat on my girl
I've got values that would make the White House jealous

Well, I do get a little much over-impressed
'Til I think of Peter and Paul and the apostles
I don't stack up too well against them I guess
But by the standards 'round here
I ain't doing that awful Lord,

it's hard to turn the other cheek
Hard to bless when others curse you
Oh Lord, it's hard to be a man of peace

Lord, it's hard, oh it's hard, You know it's hard to be like Jesus
Don't you know it's hard, oh it's hard, Oh Lord, it's hard to be like Jesus

And it's hard to step out on them waves
Hard to walk beyond your vision
Oh Lord, it's hard to be a man of faith

Lord, it's hard, Lord, it's hard, Oh Lord, it's hard to be like Jesus
Don't you know it's hard, oh it's hard, Oh Lord, it's hard to be like Jesus

Well, His eye's on the sparrow
And the lilies of the field I've heard
And He will watch over you and He will watch over me
So we can dress like flowers and eat like birds

And it's hard when your soul had been stripped bare
Hard to lift your eyes toward Heaven
Oh Lord, it's hard to be a man of prayer

Lord, it's hard, oh it's hard, You know it's hard to be like Jesus

Maybe I should have attended church before driving back?