As little folks, we were subjected to family tradition and revelry centered around Easter. Mom would take Amy and I to Hamrick's and buy us our new Sunday duds, and get us ready for the big day. As you may notice in the picture above, I am somewhat torn between, my two careers of contortionist, and televangelist. The clothes would get better,as the years rolled by and our hair would be styled just so, and afterwards we would have a big meal..and hunt eggs.

The eggs were hid in various places, with the best being in the shrubs, gutters, or trees. Dad even found a way to get those plastic eggs to fit between the links of the chain link fence.

This year, we hid 1800 eggs for the kids to find at Apache Campground, and the task was accomplished in 2.3 seconds.

Other folks came hunting too, as we served Communion to almost 600 people yesterday. The sunrise brought 350 people to gather and remember the Son rising from the tomb. I was awed and humbled to have the chance to say repeatedly, "The blood of Christ given for You, Happy Easter."
Easter is a great time of festivity and focus. I hope that you were moved, hunted, and found.
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