Sunday, March 25, 2007

You Can't Always Get What you Want...

Many apologies for the delays in posting last few weeks sermons. I have good intentions, but...that sometimes does not equal results. I promise that I will do better...but I am not sure when. (Smile)

Brief synopsis:

03-11-2007 Observations, Questions, and Answers

03-18-2007 Bad Company

04-01-2007--Palm Sunday--Did not preach, as we were on vacation in Raleigh, NC.

Sermon recap for 03-25-2007 is listed below...

This past week, I spent a day shadowing a 3 year old in a child development class. He was very well behaved, and I think that it helps that I am a large man. It is something when you have to pull out all means of available intimidation tactics to control the behavior of a three year old. My job was pretty easy, just keep him form hurting himself or others. All things considered, it was a great day, especially since he took an extended nap from noon until 2:15. He woke up just in time for a walk out to the bus. Whew....grace comes in unexpected ways.

This little fellow had an awful habit. We went out to the playground and he mistook it for a buffet. Yes, you heard me correctly...he ate while on the playground. He walked out, grabbed a hand full of sand and popped it right in his mouth. My response...was to dig my fingers in there and scoop it right back out.

In wise, teacherly fashion, after making his mouth minty fresh...the lecture came. I drew back from my extensive research and parenting skills and quoted the famous philosophers, The Rolling Stones. Son, You can't always get what you want. The lecture did no in 5 minutes, I was completing the procedure again. Scoop, cleanse...and lecture.

So today we are older and wiser than my little sand eater, but we often gravitate toward things that hurt us. We follow a long line of sand eaters, or forbidden fruit eaters. David gravitated toward Bathsheeba, and God was there to scoop him up afterwards.

The woman caught in adultery was drawn to harmful things as well, but let us not forget the roles her suitors played in the act.

Jesus played in the sand there, and told her to go and sin no more. In Paraphrasing...he said to the stone carrying judgers, "Hmmm, I smell hypocrisy...what about you. In the light of your own sinfulness, perhaps I should be taking aim at you."

This Lenten season we focus on the Christ that gave it all for us. He took the stones for us. He died in place of thse who desrved to feel the wrath of God. We still sin, and he still forgives...ask him!

Not often do we find wisdom from a Rock and Roll song, but.....

You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want.
But if you try sometimes, you just might find...
You get what you need.

We need Christ, not Sin.
We need Love, not Hate.
We need concern, not indifference.
We need support, not condemnation.
We need Jesus, he does not need us.
I need you, and you need me.

If we eat sand...we need a toothbrush.
If we sin...we need a Savior!
That sounds like the Gospel to Me!!

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