This is the second sermon of a series called "Back to the Primary." There are some basic things about our faith that we need to remember. We have learned them--but somewhere along the way have forgotten. This series has been inspired by the time I am spending in the Primary school shadowing a three year old.
Looking out over this group, I have an idea that most of you had the same feelings about school and education. So the question for you this morning is: "What was your favorite part about school ?" The entire crowd answered..."Recess."
Just what I had anticipated!!
My job of watching my little guy is a lot of fun. In fact it is pretty easy in the rectangular confines of the classroom. The real challenge occurs when we venture outside to the playground area. This is a fairly small area, but it is not totally enclosed. If I lose sight of him for just a second..he could be anywhere on the primary school campus.
In the middle of the playground is a huge combination piece of equipment. It is one of those big climbing things with 4 or 5 slides, a walking bridge, and other fun and colorful attractions for little ones. My little dude likes to run away from me and play the "you cannot get me" game. He gets on the far side of the equipment and looks at me and laughs. He is a non verbal child--no speaking--but he can laugh with the best of them.
Now I love trickery and aggravation. I prefer to be on the giving end of the process. West Virginia lost in Football on Friday evening, and Saturday morning, Alan Gordon and Jenn were walking past my place and I just had to open the door and give them a hard time. I knew that I should not do that, but I just had to do it. Guess what? This morning he ran right up to me to return the favor.
Friday morning was a normal morning--running around trying to get everything ready for school. I grabbed a pack of peanut butter crackers and Douglas and his book bag and everything else I needed. He was snug in the car seat and we took off. I could not find my crackers. I felt in the seat, between the seat, under the seat...all while driving down Kings Hwy. I asked Douglas if he had my crackers, and he answered, "No."
I pulled over and parked and we ran into Krispy Kreme for a coffee. I know what you are thinking. No, I did not get any doughnuts....just coffee. I looked in the back seat, still no crackers. Before school is the only time that I can eat breakfast and it looked like the stomach would be growling.
As we were pulling into the school, Douglas said, "Look Daddy what I have. Can Douglas eat Daddy's crackers ?" I could not help but laugh. He had hid those from me all the way down the road. He had put them in his pocket when we went in Krispy Kreme, and watched me look all over the car for them. A great job of hiding--wouldn't you say?
We all do a lot of hiding. It seems so fruitless to play hide and seek with an all knowing God.
When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”
“Who told you that you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”
The man replied, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.”
Then the Lord God asked the woman, “What have you done?”
“The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.”
Hiding from God, naked and ashamed, they attempted to cover up. We still do the same thing today.
He made us to have fellowship with Him. He wants us to worship and enjoy Him forever.
Do we enjoy God? Or do we spend a lot of time trying to cover up our authentic selves from Him? Guess what? He knows us already.
This past week I was talking to someone and asked them if I could pray for them. The reply came and was meant to be humorous--but also spoke to a deeper truth. "I am sure that God has much more important things to worry about." In effect, they were saying, "I am not sure that my stuff matters or that I matter to God.
We have a little guy in our class that is so smart. His issue is impulsive and aggressive behavior. We were walking out to recess and I had my pupil with my right hand and the impulsive child with my left. Mr. Left hand and I had a conversation. Well, actually it was mostly me talking--but he was a captive audience.
"Now when the door opens, we need to let the other children go out first. I want you to have a lot of fun on the playground. No pushing, wait you turn and make good choices." His reply-"Yes sir."
The door opened-he jerked free, ran past the children and up the slide. The class that we share time with was already playing and He knocked three children down and ran to the slide and down he came with much joy and satisfaction.
The parent in me boiled. "I just told him not to do that. I gave him step by step instructions and even told him why it is good to make good choices--and He did the opposite."
My Spirit groaned as I realized that I too am impulsive. I, too, react without thinking of others. I am the impulsive little boy that hides from God.
He clothed Adam and Eve with a sacrifice and He clothes us with the righteousness of Christ.
Because of that grace, I challenge you to come clean with God...and ENJOY HIM. I release you to play this week, squeal and run and chase after the one who loves YOU, and longs to spend quality time with you, slow down long enough to hear His laughter and let him catch you.
Looking out over this group, I have an idea that most of you had the same feelings about school and education. So the question for you this morning is: "What was your favorite part about school ?" The entire crowd answered..."Recess."
Just what I had anticipated!!
My job of watching my little guy is a lot of fun. In fact it is pretty easy in the rectangular confines of the classroom. The real challenge occurs when we venture outside to the playground area. This is a fairly small area, but it is not totally enclosed. If I lose sight of him for just a second..he could be anywhere on the primary school campus.
In the middle of the playground is a huge combination piece of equipment. It is one of those big climbing things with 4 or 5 slides, a walking bridge, and other fun and colorful attractions for little ones. My little dude likes to run away from me and play the "you cannot get me" game. He gets on the far side of the equipment and looks at me and laughs. He is a non verbal child--no speaking--but he can laugh with the best of them.
Now I love trickery and aggravation. I prefer to be on the giving end of the process. West Virginia lost in Football on Friday evening, and Saturday morning, Alan Gordon and Jenn were walking past my place and I just had to open the door and give them a hard time. I knew that I should not do that, but I just had to do it. Guess what? This morning he ran right up to me to return the favor.
Friday morning was a normal morning--running around trying to get everything ready for school. I grabbed a pack of peanut butter crackers and Douglas and his book bag and everything else I needed. He was snug in the car seat and we took off. I could not find my crackers. I felt in the seat, between the seat, under the seat...all while driving down Kings Hwy. I asked Douglas if he had my crackers, and he answered, "No."
I pulled over and parked and we ran into Krispy Kreme for a coffee. I know what you are thinking. No, I did not get any doughnuts....just coffee. I looked in the back seat, still no crackers. Before school is the only time that I can eat breakfast and it looked like the stomach would be growling.
As we were pulling into the school, Douglas said, "Look Daddy what I have. Can Douglas eat Daddy's crackers ?" I could not help but laugh. He had hid those from me all the way down the road. He had put them in his pocket when we went in Krispy Kreme, and watched me look all over the car for them. A great job of hiding--wouldn't you say?
We all do a lot of hiding. It seems so fruitless to play hide and seek with an all knowing God.
Genesis 3:8-13
When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”
“Who told you that you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”
The man replied, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.”
Then the Lord God asked the woman, “What have you done?”
“The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.”
Hiding from God, naked and ashamed, they attempted to cover up. We still do the same thing today.
He made us to have fellowship with Him. He wants us to worship and enjoy Him forever.
Do we enjoy God? Or do we spend a lot of time trying to cover up our authentic selves from Him? Guess what? He knows us already.
This past week I was talking to someone and asked them if I could pray for them. The reply came and was meant to be humorous--but also spoke to a deeper truth. "I am sure that God has much more important things to worry about." In effect, they were saying, "I am not sure that my stuff matters or that I matter to God.
We have a little guy in our class that is so smart. His issue is impulsive and aggressive behavior. We were walking out to recess and I had my pupil with my right hand and the impulsive child with my left. Mr. Left hand and I had a conversation. Well, actually it was mostly me talking--but he was a captive audience.
"Now when the door opens, we need to let the other children go out first. I want you to have a lot of fun on the playground. No pushing, wait you turn and make good choices." His reply-"Yes sir."
The door opened-he jerked free, ran past the children and up the slide. The class that we share time with was already playing and He knocked three children down and ran to the slide and down he came with much joy and satisfaction.
The parent in me boiled. "I just told him not to do that. I gave him step by step instructions and even told him why it is good to make good choices--and He did the opposite."
My Spirit groaned as I realized that I too am impulsive. I, too, react without thinking of others. I am the impulsive little boy that hides from God.
He clothed Adam and Eve with a sacrifice and He clothes us with the righteousness of Christ.
Because of that grace, I challenge you to come clean with God...and ENJOY HIM. I release you to play this week, squeal and run and chase after the one who loves YOU, and longs to spend quality time with you, slow down long enough to hear His laughter and let him catch you.
1 comment:
Richard thanks for reminding me. Enjoy each week. Mama B
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