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The Gospel According to Starbucks-By Leonard Sweet
This book was a gift from a good friend that thought that I would enjoy it. I enjoy Leonard Sweet, and his writing style. I recommend this one. It made me think about why I love coffee so much and why it is always better with conversation and friends. I finished this in line at the DMV. My stress level remained semi-manageable and I smiled for my license renewal picture.
To Own a Dragon-By Donald Miller and John MacMurray
I am a big fan of Donald Miller and his style of writing. He is a great storyteller and is a master at combining pain, humor and spirituality. This is a book about growing up without a father. Several lines are memorable and quote-worthy. This book will find a nice snug place on my bookshelf beside Blue like Jazz and Searching for God Knows What.
Things We Wish We Had Said- By Bart and Tony Campolo
Since I read two father and son books--I felt I should include the obligatory pics that I love!
I have enjoyed reading the sermon recaps and sentiments. What an encouragment you are to the body of Christ. Oh, the monthly "reads" are very helpful. Keep 'em coming!
Hai.... I'm Yo2e from Indonesia, I Like this foto "Sleeping with Baby's, Thank's for U'r poto, Bcoz That U'r foto's always remember me to my Father's & Familys. Thank's U very much.
I hope GodBless always to U
yo2e (yoyoeatgmaildotcom)
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