Sunday, August 03, 2008

Summer Staff 2008 News

Each Summer, College and High School students roll into Myrtle Beach and give 10 weeks of their lives to Intracoastal Outreach and ministry here along the Strand. It is always a joy to get to know them and spend time hanging out and talking about their lives and what God is showing them. It is truly a HIGHLIGHT of being a chaplain, and I am amazed that God sends so many impressionable minds into my life, and I just hope that a relationship with me has not scarred them beyond repair.

Back Row--Laura, Erin, Steph, Anna

Middle--Kelli, Alice, Conner, Lauren, Courtney

Front--Brady, Peter (Director) Shawn, Murph and Todd (Waccamaw Baptist Career Resort Missionary)

Stephanie, summer staffer from Wyoming, assisted us with worship. She did not understand my humor, but still had to listen to all my sermons. Oh, and she liked Sarah more than she liked me.

Cherie, a former staffer, hung out on our sofa for a few days and ate all our food. Cherie is one of my favorite people in the entire Easley/Pickens/Clemson area.

Murph, a staffer from Alabama, assisted us with worship. We played Wii each Sunday and had a Mario Kart a thon the Friday before his departure. We were up until 3:30 a.m. and I beat him, by 7 total points after 32 races. I just hope that my Clemson Tigers beat his Crimson Elephants by 7 in the football season opener. Oh, I am taller and more robust than he.

Laura, a summer staffer from the metropolitan city of Pelion was with us all summer in Day Camp. I never have favorites, but according to Douglas, she is #2!

Deadly Putt-Putt player and awesome singer, Kelli beat me by 4 strokes on 36 holes. This is rare and we were trying to get in a rematch. She prayed to God and a booming thunderstorm came out of nowhere.Sometimes, I wish God would ignore some prayers. Great match Kelli, and I am amazed at the skills!

Brady is good looking, talented and was a member of the LSU National Championship football team. As you can tell, women of all ages wag their tongues when he walks by. This did him no good, as I beat him in the Wii bowling tourney. It was close, but the Champ was beaten by the Wii master.

My good friend Peter is ready to be shipped to a place filled with peace and quiet. This was early on in the summer. The 2008 staff has gone now. I think he will be hanging out with us more. Peter, Putt Putt tomorrow?

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