Monday, February 11, 2008

Sermon Recap-"Check Again?"

This week was a break from the routine, as I spent several days in the upstate of SC. Douglas and I left out on Wednesday morning and returned around lunch time yesterday. Tuesday evening was a whirlwind of packing a few things for Douglas and me. As I was going out to load the car, Sarah asked about a few things for Douglas, I replied, "already packed." She responded, and I noticed a hint of sarcasm as she said, "I am so glad that I have a husband that can take care of himself and our son and I do not have to worry." I continued to take the few things to the car and came back in to pick up my hanging clothes. I had done the proper mental check, running through the clothes and necessities.

Orange Tie- Check
Geneva Gown-check

I started moving to the car with the remainder of the stuff and a little voice whispered, "Check again."

I did and I had forgotten to pack my pants. Hmm, that would have made for an interesting funeral.

While at my moms, I grabbed my electric toothbrush and slapped some toothpaste on it. I gave my teeth a big brushing and admired their sparkling whiteness in the mirror. Finishing the job, I looked for the cap to my toothbrush. It is a little plastic piece that slides over the bristles. I looked on the shelf, under the sink, in the sink and all over the bathroom. Glancing over to the lavatory cabinet, I saw my blue towel and resting on top of it was my TOOTHBRUSH. I had spent all this time brushing my teeth with my mom's toothbrush. Uggh, that is disgusting.

So, you see. There are things in life that we think we have under control, but in reality--we need to check again. The church is no different. Perhaps we are fooling ourselves and are walking around pantless and with unclean mouths? Could that be possible?

Thursday was a super emotional day as I made a trip to the Rehabilitation center to visit a friend from my childhood and youth. I shared with you last week about his life and situation. He taught me in church for many years and took the time to take me fishing and bowling and was a great example of sharing Jesus through relationships. On Christmas, mom would make sure she picked him up a little gift from me, Soap on a Rope or a little bottle of Old Spice.

Years pass and mental faculties diminish. He had a wreck a few weeks ago and his Drivers license was revoked. He was severely depressed and walked into his basement and found a pistol.

Placing it under his chin, he steadied his grip, and pulled the trigger.

Fast forward a few weeks and I re-enter the story. The receptionist gave me the room number and I made my way to the second floor. The door was wide open to the room and I entered. It was a semi private room and I looked over to the other side and did not recognize anyone around the patients bed. I turned my focus to the remaining bed in the room. The occupant of bed #1 was also a stranger. I leaned over, and verified the name on the hospital issued ID bracelet. Surprisingly, I had the right room. It was my friend.

I leaned closer and grasped his hand. Above the breathing machine, I could hear him rattle and wheeze. He struggled with the restraints and had uncovered himself by kicking his legs. The diaper was in need of a change. I stayed for a little while, and offered words of encouragement and hope. "Keep fighting...Don't give up...God is not through with you...thank-you for teaching me about Jesus...thanks for the fishing trips."

I offered a prayer and left the room with a dark empty soul. Just a few hours earlier, I had felt so very alive and now I achingly longed for that feeling again.

I entered the elevator and could not wait for the door to shut. I needed to be alone with my thoughts. A hand reached inside the closing door and I was joined by another man about my age. He slid to the back of the elevator and I stayed to the front. We did not speak as we zoomed toward the ground floor. Each of us, however, sighed quite loudly.

Stepping out into the dusky evening, I felt a nudging again. I just wanted to get in my car and leave, but instead, I spoke.

"Being in a place like that sure makes the outside world look a lot different."

"You're right, Do you have a family member here?" He replied.

I explained the reason for my visit and noticed that he had a cross on his shirt with an advertisement for a local church.

"I know this sounds odd, but can I pray with you?"

There in the parking lot of a rehab unit in Spartanburg, SC, two strangers had prayer. We looked again to God for comfort and hope. I wanted to be alone--God wanted me to be a comfort.

As a church, we too need to look again at "why we do what we do." Over the next five weeks we are going to be looking at the church and the parts that make us who we are.Those 5 actions are: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism. I ask that you join me in prayer as we seek to know the answer to the question: Are we "as we should be" or are we pantless?

Look around--God has been doing some great things here over the past 2 years. Many new people are coming and there is a warmth that most churches would die to have. Perhaps we are being called to examine what God is doing among us more closely. If we pray and communicate, we may see God moving us to another level, a new ministry, a new phase. Be prepared for CHANGE. That word causes problems around here. I promise you, we will not make changes just for the sake of change. But we must be willing to follow the nudges of the spirit in our lives.

Check again. We may be surprised what we find.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Sermon Recap (Super Bowl Sunday)- "Foolish"

So, is there anything interesting on TV tonight? (Laughter from the congregation)
How many of you are watching the game? (About 75%)
How many are watching the commercials? (About 82%)

Well, for those of you real football fans, and for the ones that just pretend to be one Sunday a year, this is a pretty big deal. The Patriots are undefeated thus far with a record of 18 wins and 0 losses. There is much conversation about if this team is one of the best ever, they have a pretty quarterback and a wide receiver that has the speed of Nike. For the past six weeks, sports commentators have pontificated and postured concerning the merits of this juggernaut from New England. Rumor is that the Patriots have attempted to secure the patent on the phrase 19-0 and also the phrase "The Perfect Season." To me all this attention is quite foolish.

For one who appreciates the English language and the power of words, the idea of a "perfect season" is foolish and impossible.

What does perfect mean?
Does it mean undefeated?
Does it mean meet all challenges and survive unscathed?
Does it mean winners of some football games?

Perfect means--Without error, no mistakes, no "oops", no "I did not mean to's" , and no "I'm sorry's." Perfect means flawless, without blemish and spot.

I have watched almost all of the Patriot games, and none of them have been perfect. There are always a few overthrows or dropped passes. There are a few fumbles and some missed tackles. There are false starts and holding penalties and a few personal fouls. Missed field goals and shanked punts; I think you understand. The term "perfect" is being used a bit too foolishly and loosely.

Paul talks a bit about foolishness in this mornings scripture passage in 1 Corinthians beginning with verse eighteen.

The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. As the Scriptures say,"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent." So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world's brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish. Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe. It is foolish to the Jews, who ask for signs from heaven. And it is foolish to the Greeks, who seek human wisdom. So when we preach that Christ was crucified, the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say it's all nonsense. But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God's weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. God has united you with Christ Jesus.

For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD."

We think we know things, we think we have a grasp on things, the Patriots think they are unbeatable. Most of the media have already crowned them CHAMPS. Remember, even IF they win, they will not be perfect. Watch tonight, enjoy the game and see the flaws that are there in both teams.

Football is a sport built on the premise that if you lift weights, condition your body for speed and agility, memorize the plays, and execute--then success will usually follow.

Sadly, we seem to think the same thing about our relationship with God. If we go to church, read the bible, pray, and do nice things then we will gain an advantage in the eyes of God. Foolish indeed.

Just this week, I went to the post office. There were three empty parking spaces and I whipped the land yacht into the middle one. I went inside and checked the P.O. box and sat back in the car and began to open up the mail. Sometimes I do this, I could wait until I get home, but I often do not. BAM!! A little old lady opened up her car door and smacked the fool out of my car. I immediately raised up and prepared to get out and let her have a piece of my mind. I saw her then, shuffling her wobbly legs slowly, as she squirmed between the small space between our cars. She was unstable and could barely see. I waited on her to clear the front of my car. I wanted to blow the HORN. But I found myself backing up and driving away, angry at God. He always seems to teach me stuff, I guess that is good, but sometimes I wish my ignorance and Foolishness was not so obvious.

Perfection and Christ are synonymous. We try to earn the good spot with God. We think he keeps score when we do good things and pass up the bad. The good news of the Gospel is that in Christ we are forgiven--even if we blow the horn at old women.
We have been given the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ!

Imagine if God showed up tonight and gave the Lombardi Trophy to the Giants. Not after the game but before. We know that will not happen because God is a Dallas Cowboy Fan. (Laughter)If God gave the trophy to The Giants without playing that would be grossly unfair.
Now what if the game was played and the Giants were terrible but in the end they were given the trophy anyway? "Not fair--they need to work for it--they must earn it", perhaps you are thinking.

But this morning we come to the Table of Christ to experience the mystery of salvation. We have tried to play the game, and fail all the time. Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are given the gift of immeasurable worth. We are given an identity in Christ, we are adopted into the family of God, we are given abundant life here and eternal life in the loving presence of the King.

New England is not perfect, neither are we---oh, but Christ was, is and will always be! Our only Wisdom and Hope is in him. Any other thinking is foolish.


New York Giants 17
New England Patriots 14

Friday, February 01, 2008

Sermon Recap--Long Division

This morning as I look out at the experienced faces in this room, I see people that grew up before the age of political correctness. Now, don't get me wrong, I try to temper my words and be open minded and look at issues from all sides--but there is something super comforting about people who have the ability to cut right through the junk and say it like it is.

Wal-Mart had an annoying habit of calling problems by a more positive name. Whenever there was an issue the Management Staff would always call them "opportunities." I immediately thought, "Yeah this is an opportunity alright and it is looking more and more like an opportunity to get fired."

One manager even had a light way of letting people know that they were about to be fired. He would call them into the office and look them in the eye and say, "How would you like to have unlimited free time but limited income?" The first part of the phrase was enticing, but the latter sent chills down the back that was followed by a marked increase in performance.

Depending on how you want to look at it, the church has plenty of problems or opportunities. We can all tell stories about failures in OUR CHURCH, issues that are painful and leave us scarred. In my twelve years (wow) of ministry, I have been involved in business meetings that were anything but Christ-like, heard sermons that sounded like they could have been delivered at a Klan rally, and have seen a church almost split over carpet and stained glass windows. The first church I served as Youth and Children's pastor, an aged senior pastor was fired at the age of 60. His wife was in bad health, he was at the age where securing another pastorate would be difficult, and he was losing his eyesight. Needless to say, he did not see the termination coming on that Wednesday night following the "Prayer Meeting." The second church I served one of our college girls did what many of us did in college. In her case, a pregnancy occurred. News spread throughout the community at breakneck speed over the telephone. Guess who was the main "town crier" via telephone? The pastor's wife. Breaks your heart doesn't it? If it doesn't, it should.

The church at Corinth was no different. Often we hear people say, "I wish we could just go back to the days of the early church and everything would be ok." Please!!! We need to realize that the People of God have always been a broken and rag tag gang. Just look at what Paul is dealing with in this mornings passage in the first chapter of 1 Corinthians beginning with verse ten.

I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. For some members of Chloe’s household have told me about your quarrels, my dear brothers and sisters. Some of you are saying, “I am a follower of Paul.” Others are saying, “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Peter,” or “I follow only Christ.” Has Christ been divided into factions? Was I, Paul, crucified for you? Were any of you baptized in the name of Paul? Of course not!

The word had reached Paul, not via email, text or phone--the letter had arrived or a personal visit from the household of Chloe. In our hearts we can hear the gist of the conversation, "Paul-those people at the Church are the biggest bunch of ___________ that we have ever seen. Congregation answers--Hypocrites

The error in this church still happens today. The emphasis was being placed on the theology of a leader or pastor. Peter had a faction, Apollos had a faction and Paul even had some claiming his name. Think about our churches today- We often identify ourselves with the theology or church government structure of a denomination. Inside those individual denominations there are battles. In the Baptist church there is a strong battle between Calvinists and Arminians. Seminary leadership seem to be worried too much about having people follow their "right" way and buying their books than focusing on the MAIN thing. We often attend a particular church because of the pastor. I hope that you come here because I preach a Message of Grace and Truth that exalts Jesus.

You, dear people, would have no difficulty finding another church to attend. They are everywhere! In Myrtle Beach everywhere you look you see a WINGS, a restaurant, a golf course or a church. Yet, you come here! I hope that it is not because of me being exalted too high in your eyes. Listen--I am amazed that Christ chose me, and uses me to make a small difference in His kingdom. I am reminded of a song that I sang a decade ago in church by Steven Curtis Chapman called the Miracle of Mercy. The words are so true and speak to the condition of each of us.

If the truth was known and a light was shown
On every hidden part of my soul.
Most would turn away, shake their head and say,
"He still has such a long way to go."
If the truth was know you'd see, that the only good in me
is Jesus, oh it's Jesus.

If the walls could speak of the times I've been weak,
when everybody thought I was strong.
Could I show my face if it weren't for the grace
of the one who's known the truth all along?
If the walls could speak they'd say, that my only hope is the grace
of Jesus, the grace of Jesus.

But, oh the goodness and the grace in Him
He takes it all and makes it mine and causes his light in me to shine
and he loves me with a love that never ends.
Just as I am, not as I do
Could this be real, could this be true?
This could only be a miracle
This could only be the miracle of mercy.

Churches sometimes get things right. I was mentored as a young kid by an older man. He turned my need to achieve into a challenge to learn the scripture and complete books in our Missions classes, called Royal Ambassadors. After I expressed interest, he walked me down the hall to the Pastor's study. I accepted Christ, kneeling on worn out yellow green carpet on a Wednesday night. This mentor also taught me in Training Union (bible study) for years and continued doing so for 30 plus years. He took me fishing alongside the Broad River and afterward picked ticks off me. He made a difference.

This past week, I received a phone call. This same man walked into his basement, grabbed a pistol and shot himself. He had lost hope and was ready to end the recent struggles that had robbed him of his freedom and health. He lived and faces a battle still today. Pray for him. Pray for Me. Pray for Each other.

Oh--It is good not to put your hope in anyone--no matter how "good" they seem to be. I am not saying that we no longer need to be subject to accountability either.

We can choose many things. We choose our friends, our clothes, our homes, our spouses, our cars, but we don't choose our family. We are intertwined and engrafted into the mysterious body of Christ. We have to keep striving to be ONE in Him.

Long Divisions have to end, we must forgive as we have been forgiven. He is the head, he is the Lord, He is our reason for being. He died for us--having full knowledge of our failures and selfishness. He knows it all and loves us...still.