Laugh-In was a great show in the late 60's and early 70's that featured fast paced comedy skits, stand up routines, quick jokes and a look at the counter culture. It was cutting edge for the times, as it dealt with issues such as drug use, sex, politics, and homosexuality. I remember being over at my aunt and uncles house, and the older folks watching it and laughing uncontrollably. I was a little too young to watch such bawdy humor, so I was sent to do something else, while they watched Goldie Hawn gyrate with temp tattoos on her body to funky music.
Since then I have watched some of the reruns on cable, and I must admit...it is funny. One of my favorite characters is played by Arte Johnson. He played a short, puckish, German soldier, and at the oddest of times would utter the words,"Verrrrry Interrressting!"
Over the past few months, I have had a longing. Sometimes these things sneak up slowly, like a kid trying to scare the beejesus out of his mother, but they are longings still. I have a blog friend that is leaving in a month to be involved in ministry in an AIDS clinic in Capetown, South Africa. She has eyes, and a heart that are not American, but Christian. She has courage to leave comfort, and capitalism, and Peanut M&M's to love on those who are in need.
I had a trip outside the U.S., last year. Well, it seems like last year, but actually it was eight years ago. Images are in my heart, and mind, and on my computer that speak to the Bigness of God and the smallness of America, although we seem to act as if we are God's favorite child. I have had vivid dreams of this place, and feel, sometimes that God has a rope around me...pulling gently, but pulling still.
Since then I have watched some of the reruns on cable, and I must admit...it is funny. One of my favorite characters is played by Arte Johnson. He played a short, puckish, German soldier, and at the oddest of times would utter the words,"Verrrrry Interrressting!"
Over the past few months, I have had a longing. Sometimes these things sneak up slowly, like a kid trying to scare the beejesus out of his mother, but they are longings still. I have a blog friend that is leaving in a month to be involved in ministry in an AIDS clinic in Capetown, South Africa. She has eyes, and a heart that are not American, but Christian. She has courage to leave comfort, and capitalism, and Peanut M&M's to love on those who are in need.
I had a trip outside the U.S., last year. Well, it seems like last year, but actually it was eight years ago. Images are in my heart, and mind, and on my computer that speak to the Bigness of God and the smallness of America, although we seem to act as if we are God's favorite child. I have had vivid dreams of this place, and feel, sometimes that God has a rope around me...pulling gently, but pulling still.
Last Wednesday, on my Birthday, Sarah and I went out for dinner. We live on the coast, and have a plethora of choices in dining. We really enjoy The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant, so off we drove. We had a great conversation about life and the place that God has us in now, and how we feel about it. I had told her that I loved a great deal about where we live, but feel unchallenged. Things just seem to be a little too easy...not stretching enough. Hmmm....an obese man concerned with stretching. Now that is funny!
We talked about ministry oversees, and other possibilities, as we dunked our bread into the cheese pot. I was reminded of a traditional meal in Korea, as the families would sit on the floor and eat and talk about what was on their minds. Sarah said that Korea would be a great place for me, but she was unsure how she would adapt to the culture. We decided that maybe one day we could serve a small church in a town with a college or University, so that I could preach and also teach students and hopefully inspire them to THINK. So, just when we thought we had it all figured out......
Last night, I looked at the images above and read the blog of my friend that is leaving her M&M's behind for Africa. She was standing in front of a Pic of Adonirum Judson, Baptist missionary, with the following quote:
"How do Christians discharge this trust committed to them? They let three fourths of the world sleep the sleep of death, ignorant of the simple truth that a Savior died for them. Content if they can be useful in the little circle of their acquaintances, they quietly sit and see whole nations perish for lack of knowledge."
I asked myself, there in front of my computer, a golf cart away from the Ocean, as my wife slept, and my son broke something..."Is there something else I should be doing?" Then more importantly, I asked God,"What is it you have in mind?"
Immediately,I heard a familiar...Ding, you know it...the email ding. Some emails talk to you, but ours just dings. So, I clicked from the blog of the future African Queen to see the following email:
Hello, Richard, my loving friend!
It has passed long time since I sent an e-mail.
How have you been these days?
How about your wife and son?
Your mother, Carol.
I have missed you with all my heart.
Could you come to Korea in January or February this year?
I want to talk with you many things that we can't talked.
I can pay for you the fare of your trip to Korea.
If you can't with your family I hope only you will come here.
I have worked in the nursing home and in the church(English Service), and have taught in some colleges.
I hope you will send a good message to me.
from Sang Choi in KOREA.
Verrrry Innterrresting. I have tried to email over the past 3 years, but he never got it. His English is broken and we cannot communicate well by phone. So, I replied to the email with a quick,"Did you get this", thinking/hoping that he wouldn't. But, a reply awaited me this morning at 7am.
Hi, Richard!
I have received your mail, but I don't know your answer in detail.
Last year I asked your job in Korea.
Then one professor who I have known had searched an English teacher in the urgent situation. Now just I want you (or with your family)will stay and travel with me for some weeks in Korea. And I want to discuss if possible you may work in Korea.
When you came to Korea 7 years ago, just only you stayed in my house. I had not traveled with you. So I am very sorry that I had not been with you then.
Your Answer! O.K?
What is God doing here??
Pray for us as we seek him, and discuss what this may mean. I looked for a picture of Arte Johnson for this blog, and on the side of the page was an ad for Teaching English in Korea. Too much excitement in 2 days for a Doubter like me. As I sip my pomegranate tea, and get ready to watch football, my mind races. My hands are cold, my brain hurts, but my Spirit dances with excitement.
Verrry Innnteresssting, Indeed!
Email from the Southern Coast to Southern Korea
I will be able to visit with you in Korea for a 2 week period. I would need to do this before the end of March if you are planning on this being a project for this year. I have to officiate a wedding on March 25, 2006. My family will not be attending, as my son is in school and Sarah is very involved here, in ministry and as Mom.
Obligations here will not allow me to be away longer than two weeks. I would love to explore needs there, but it looks as if it would be difficult to relocate at this time. I will be able to explain more at a later time. I look forward to the chance to spend time with you and your family. My passport does not expire until December of 2007. Please email with info as you are able, so that I can line up all that is necessary here. I am pleased with our reconnection and am excited to see you and to visit your country again.
Stay tuned for additional info...
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