Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Joy of Vocabulary

Douglas has been sick this afternoon with a virus. It all began during the last minute of the Clemson-Duke basketball game. I had just emailed a friend about all the free throws that Clemson had missed, and my son turned into Linda Blair, from The Exorcist. Not literally, but he began to vomit with great ferocity and trajectory. Using my hand as a barf holder, we ran into the shower, as Sarah squeamishly cleaned up. By the way, raisins do not look scrumptious the second time around.

An hour and a half happened again. Thankfully, it was not as bad that time. After getting out of the shower, I taught Douglas a new phrase. He can say it perfectly, and at this moment, he is marching around the den, proudly saying ..."Blowing Chunks!"

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