Monday, May 12, 2008

April Reads

Fairly honest book, as Groeschel speaks about the things that irk him about the entity called the church. One thing that really lights him up is when Christian people judge others. It is good for a few laughs and is a good representation of the heart of many pastors. I give it 3 stars.

So, I tried to read this a few months back and was disappointed. I was too busy comparing it to his other books instead of taking it as a work unto itself. Upon revisitation, I appreciated Don Miller and his ability to share a good story or two. Shhh, I still like Blue Like Jazz and Searching for God Knows What a lot better. I still give it 3 stars.

Pretty disappointed in this book. There were a few stories but all in all it seems to be slick marketing with not a lot of substance. I give this one 2 stars.

Scripture translated by a scholar team and creative team. It is an attempt to make the scripture speak with a different tone and spark creativity. I liked it and purchased several of the others in the series. Is it an adequate translation? No--but it does make sparks fly sometimes and as a communicator, I like that.

Interesting work, although I do not buy into everything he espouses. I do see the value in looking at yourself and asking "Why am I the way I am?" Often it reverts back to parental and familial structure. Valuable in premarital counselling and other issues. I give it 3 stars.

I am a big Calvin Miller fan. This book speaks to the value of pastoral care vs. the Mega church--CEO--approach to ministry. Get off the golf course and get into the hospital. Amen, my friend and 4 stars to you.

Sometimes I read something other than Christian material. This one was an attempt to explain why men are the way we are. Interesting, but it reduces men to a bunch of sex starved dogs. I picked up a cheap copy at Barnes and Noble, it was much different from my usual reading. I give it a 2.5 on the Jenkins star scale. Are all men dogs? Really? If you care to be critical of my reading this book, I ask that you read the first book on this list. Groeschel may not care for you, too much!

Loved It!! Loved It!! Loved It!! 4.5 stars! In the top 5 books I have read over the past 3 years.

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