So, I tried to read this a few months back and was disappointed. I was too busy comparing it to his other books instead of taking it as a work unto itself. Upon revisitation, I appreciated Don Miller and his ability to share a good story or two. Shhh, I still like Blue Like Jazz and Searching for God Knows What a lot better. I still give it 3 stars.
Pretty disappointed in this book. There were a few stories but all in all it seems to be slick marketing with not a lot of substance. I give this one 2 stars.
Interesting work, although I do not buy into everything he espouses. I do see the value in looking at yourself and asking "Why am I the way I am?" Often it reverts back to parental and familial structure. Valuable in premarital counselling and other issues. I give it 3 stars.
I am a big Calvin Miller fan. This book speaks to the value of pastoral care vs. the Mega church--CEO--approach to ministry. Get off the golf course and get into the hospital. Amen, my friend and 4 stars to you.
Sometimes I read something other than Christian material. This one was an attempt to explain why men are the way we are. Interesting, but it reduces men to a bunch of sex starved dogs. I picked up a cheap copy at Barnes and Noble, it was much different from my usual reading. I give it a 2.5 on the Jenkins star scale. Are all men dogs? Really? If you care to be critical of my reading this book, I ask that you read the first book on this list. Groeschel may not care for you, too much!

Loved It!! Loved It!! Loved It!! 4.5 stars! In the top 5 books I have read over the past 3 years.
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