For the past two weeks, I have been overseeing kindergarten and first graders taking the MAP tests. My job consisted of going in each morning, equipped with a large coffee and espresso beverage, and turning on the computers. I would then log into the system and pull up the appropriate test. I would have the students names up on the computer when the arrived into the lab and give them last minute instructions. Most importantly, I maintained order and prevented cheating.
The instructions given to the kids were as follows:
1- This is not a race. Do your best and take your time.
2- No looking at your friends computer.
3- No talking during the test.
4-There will be answers that you do no know. So, Do your best and then give it a guess.
5- When you are finished, raise your hand and then your teacher will get your score.
6- Read quietly and show respect for those who are still working.
Despite the warnings of difficulties to come, the kids responded differently when they encountered a hard problem on the test. Some followed my instruction and "did their best and then guessed." One little guy actually said a bad word when he encountered division for the first time. Many sat there, staring at the screen refusing to budge until they "got it right." Some even cried because they did not know multiplication (as a kindergartner). The two week period made me think a lot about tests and trials and wondering what the bible has to say about it.
James 1 says to us this day:
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
Now the first part of this passage is most difficult to grasp. Troubles are an opportunity for Joy??
Some things just go great together. Peanut Butter and Jelly, Salt and Pepper, and Ham and Cheese. But Trouble and Joy--wow, almost too much to believe.
How can we be joyous when the garbage is heaped on our heads? How can we be happy when our lives seem to be falling apart?
The key is seeing that we are not to be Joyous because of the trouble. But the trouble is a chance for God to prove himself as a mountain mover.
On this Mother's Day, I am reminded of the things that my mom taught me. There were many and she taught a lot by using the word "Don't."
"Don't pick your nose!"
"Don't hit your sister!"
"Don't you speak to me in that tome of voice!"
"Don't leave the house without clean underwear."
"Don't play that music so loud!"
"Don't drink and drive!"
But in light of this verse she also taught me the following that works today:
"Don't Give Up!"
"Don't Give In!"
"Don't Give Out!"
So--what test is bringing you the chance to look back later and see that God is faithful? What are you and I doubting God to help us with?
The purpose of the MAP test is to put the kids in a national percentile and see how they measure up. Some were great--some not so great. Many were just average.
The good news of the Gospel is that although our test scores in life are "below the expectation" of the perfection of our Holy God, Jesus takes the results and makes us all have perfect scores.
Trials and Tests provide the avenue for Faith and maturity!
This morning--We awoke to thunder and lightning and torrents of rain! How interesting that on this day of preaching about trials, I have one.
We have been having about 80 people each Sunday in worship and today we have 15. But you are here and I feel that perhaps someone needs just this sermon in this intimate group.
Look at the rain falling down. It serves a purpose and it will pass, but God's love endures forever.
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