Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You can't be serious!

During the Christmas visit home, I found something that made me laugh. I felt the need to wax sermonic or at least nostalgic for a bit and share it with you.

Most of us have senior pictures. They are a part of our high school legacy. This little gem was taken in 1988, at the time I was eighteen years old and had the world by a string. As I look at the picture, several things jump out at me. THE YELLOW TIE--not too sure about the yellow tie. Looks like I may be thinking of attending GA. Tech. Next is THE HAIR. Oh my, I needed to see a barber in the worst way. If you look closely, you can see the curl extends all the way to the back flip. Then I see the BABY FACE. No wrinkles, or thought lines--I was totally oblivious. The LION RING--that was my thing back then. Finally, THE SMIRK. There is a little smirk there, the reason was that me and 10 other close friends were leaving school after the pictures for a day of blowing off steam at Lyman Lake. Also known as my house, where no parental figures could be spotted.

Take a few breaths...Turn around a few times...cut a few classes...go on some dates...feel your heart bad mexican a few books...drink tanker trucks full of coffee...and 20 years roll past and then your wife, who was nowhere on your mental map in 1988 takes a picture and the NOW digital camera reveals:

Another picture that is vastly different, but in 20 years will be equally as embarrassing.

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